Distant Light Death Doula Services
A life well-lived and a death well-planned.

Janet Clattenburg
Death Doula
Death Over Breakfast
Facilitated by me, a local death doula, this is an opportunity to gather around to discuss this seemingly awkward topic. It will start with a toast to honor someone who is no longer with us, and then lighting a candle in their honour. The rest of the time will be spent eating and exploring the topic of death through natural conversation.
If you would like to host a private event, minimum of 2 people, please contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Duration: 1 hour maximum
Cost : $25
Death Over Lunch
Facilitated by me, a local death doula, this is an opportunity to gather around the table to discuss this seemingly awkward topic. It will start with a toast to honor someone who is no longer with us, and by lighting a candle in their honour. The rest of the time will be spent eating and exploring the topic of death in a natural fashion.
If you would like to host a private event, minimum of 3 people, please contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Duration: 1 1/2 hours maximum
Cost $40
Death Over Dinner
Facilitated by me, a local death doula, this is an opportunity for strangers and friends to gather around to discuss this seemingly awkward topic. It will start with a toast to honor someone who is no longer with us, and then lighting a candle in their honour. The rest of the time will be spent eating and exploring the topic of death through natural conversation.
If you would like to host a private event, minimum of 4 people, please contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Duration: 3 hour maximum
Cost: $75
Death Over Coffee and Dessert
Fascilitated by me, a local death doula, this is an opportunity to gather around the table to discuss this seemingly awkward topic. It will start with a toast to honor someone who is no longer with us, and then lighting a candle in their honour. The rest of the time will be spent eating and exploring the topic of death through natural conversation.
If you would like to host a private event, minimum of 2 people, please contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Duration: 1 hour maximum
Cost $25
Coffee and Donuts with a Death Doula
Facilitated by me, a local death doula, this is an opportunity to explore the topic of death through natural conversation. You've got questions? I've got answers.
Please contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Duration: 1/2 hour (private event for 1)
Cost $15
Private 1-on-1 Ask A Death Doula Anything Session
Got questions about death and dying, and other things related to death literacy but don't know who to ask? Increasing one's own death literacy is so important as part of the death positive movement. However, this can lead to a host of other problems:
-I don't want to go out and buy a bunch of books (or even know which ones to buy and frankly will I have time to read them?)
-When I google my questions there are too many websites that pop up, so how do I disseminate all that information? How do I know which ones are credible?
-I've got questions and don't know who to ask.
-I'm too embarrassed to ask people I do know fearing that I'll be judged.
-I've asked questions and people don't know the answer.
Ask me, a certified death doula in a safe, non-judgmental space to ask questions, and get the timely answers you need.
My philosophy is "There are no dumb questions, only questions that need to be answered."
Pre-submitted questions are welcome.
Contact me- janet.goncalves@sympatico.ca
Cost $25/hr
Educational Workshops, Guest Speaker Events and Presentations
Please contact me to arrange details. I would be happy to speak at any event, large or small.